201 Results for the search: ""
Debates 15 results
This discussion thread is for participants to share their thoughts on how the cultural heritage sector impacts society and the world around it. How can we narrate impact in a unified way when the...
Open debate
Created at
11/11/2020 -
- 1
How can we recreate networks, accessible materials, and get through to our stakeholders?Who needs to know about the value of digital cultural heritage? How do we share it with them? What would work...
Open debate
Created at
11/11/2020 -
- 1
More and more cultural heritage organizations are opting for using open access licenses such as CC licenses for sharing their collections online. For this reason, and in order to assess the...
Open debate
Created at
16/04/2021 -
- 5
Cultural heritage institutions are certainly guardians of vast collections of cultural content whose re-use could certainly generate benefits for the society. For this reason, we are interested in...
Open debate
Created at
16/04/2021 -
- 16
We are aware that the clearance of rights and labelling works in order to/when sharing the works within your collections may be complex and burdensome. From the inDICEs project, we would like to...
Open debate
Created at
16/04/2021 -
- 3
The COVID-19 pandemic may have accelerated the need of providing access to your collections online and engaging with the audience within the online environment. From the inDICEs project, we would...
Open debate
Created at
16/04/2021 -
- 0
One of the elements of the inDICEs project is the preparation of recommendations. Therefore, we would like to ask how you - as cultural heritage institutions - would like to function in the digital...
Open debate
Created at
16/04/2021 -
- 0
Do you have any ideas or proposals from the case studies shown on day 2? Share them here!
Open debate
Created at
16/04/2021 -
- 2
Assembly: ✨Holistic Futures✨
What projects or ideas have caught your eye that relate to InDICEs? What makes them awesome and relevant??
Open debate
Created at
30/09/2021 -
- 3
Participatory process: Copyright Office Hours
Can a filmmaker use a TikTok collection held by an audiovisual archive (content in the collection created by third parties for which the archive does not have the rights) in a documentary film?
Open debate
Created at
23/04/2023 -
- 0
Participatory process: Copyright Office Hours
How can I use copyright-protected works if I cannot contact the rightsholder?
Open debate
Created at
23/04/2023 -
- 0
Participatory process: Copyright Office Hours
Despite the UK’s exit from the European Union, the copyright system of the UK is largely in line with EU copyright law. This means that the main exclusive rights copyright grants (like reproduction...
Open debate
Created at
23/04/2023 -
- 0
Participatory process: Copyright Office Hours
How can I use copyright-protected works if I cannot contact the rightsholder?The default rule is that anyone wishing to use a work protected by copyright should obtain permission of the copyright...
Open debate
Created at
23/04/2023 -
- 0
Participatory process: Copyright Office Hours
Europeana Copyright Office Hours was back on 25 April with a session on licenses, labels, statements and tools, such as Creative Commons licenses and Rights Statements used in the digital cultural...
Open debate
Created at
19/06/2023 -
- 2