Some of the resources followed are not public.
Participatory process: Towards Digital Cultural Heritage with a Purpose
CHIs should be more focused on their duty of providing access, while maintaining also the duty of...
Participatory process: [inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
Make it possible for institutions and organizations to create a profile, rather than a profile...
Assembly: inDICEs Datasets
Dataset name
Who is an expert on it?
FBK researchers
Type of data
Where does...
Participatory process: Designing a Model for Community Participation
What if:Scenario 4: What if as a (role) researcher I could (action) analyze data in the...
Assembly: inDICEs Datasets
Dataset name
Nafo Twitter
Who is an expert on it?
Type of data
CSV files
Where does it come...
Assembly: inDICEs Datasets
Dataset name
IMDB :1900 - 2022 Movies metadata
Who is an expert on it?
Type of data
CSV /...
Assembly: Hypotheses and Insights
To be comapred, data should have a common framework. How to cope with changes of team,...
Assembly: inDICEs Datasets
Dataset name
TIKTOK 1000000 post sample
Who is an expert on it?
Type of data
CSV files...
Participatory process: CHI Consultation Workshops
Kind of organisation (eg museum, archive, ...)
museum network
Role or Job in Organization...
Participatory process: Design and Integration
What if I, as a user, could visualise data sets within my proposals and inputs using the...
Participatory process: CHI Consultation Workshops
Kind of organisation (eg museum, archive, ...)
History Museum
Role or Job in Organization...
Participatory process: Designing a Model for Community Participation
What if:Scenario 3: What if I, as a researcher could explore more narrative and visual data with...
Participatory process: Design and Integration
What if as a participatory platform user I could get an overview of the most prominent topics in...
Participatory process: CHI Consultation Workshops
Kind of organisation (eg museum, archive, ...)
History museum
Role or Job in Organization...
Assembly: Hypotheses and Insights
Skeptics of deliberative democracy question the practical viability of deliberative...
Participatory process: Design and Integration
Express your proof of concept proposal using the following structure:
What if as a (role)...
Assembly: Participation Model and Ethics
Principle definition: Making data accessible with a stronger narrative approach to encourage...
Assembly: Participation Model and Ethics
Using up to date legal frameworks
Open standards that demonstrate support for inclusion
Assembly: Participatory Research
The fact that in terms of emotional reactions and sense of participation, active cultural...
Participatory process: Design and Integration
We propose to reorganise the platform acoording to thematic areas cornerstone to the inDICEs...