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Nuovo commento al What Makes a Good Facilitator
28/01/2021 15:58
Nuovo commento al What Makes a Good Facilitator
27/01/2021 12:51
Nuovo dibattito al Co-creating an Impact Lite Crash Course
27/01/2021 09:58
Resources and Tools
What type of materials/content would be necessary to support someone's full deve...
Nuovo dibattito al Co-creating an Impact Lite Crash Course
27/01/2021 09:43
What Makes a Good Facilitator
As we build through the course its important to keep this question in mind as yo...
Nuovo commento al Organizational Profile
15/01/2021 09:45
Nuovo commento al Organizational Profile
14/01/2021 13:04
Nuovo commento al Organizational Profile
14/01/2021 12:41
Nuova proposta al [inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
14/01/2021 11:32
Organizational Profile
Make it possible for institutions and organizations to create a profile, rather ...
Nuovo post a Observatory Online Co-Creation Workshop
19/11/2020 17:31
The Results: 'Getting to Know You'
In the initial creation of the Open Observatory Platform it was important to u...
Nuovo commento al Understanding the impact of the heritage sector
12/11/2020 09:34
Nuovo dibattito al [Guest] Europeana Impact Community meets inDICEs
11/11/2020 12:35
Influencing Policy Change : Communicating our Impact to Stakeholders
How can we recreate networks, accessible materials, and get through to our stake...
Nuovo dibattito al [Guest] Europeana Impact Community meets inDICEs
11/11/2020 12:30
Understanding the impact of the heritage sector
This discussion thread is for participants to share their thoughts on how the cu...
Nuova proposta al [inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
24/10/2020 16:33
Visualising Survey Results
The current process of setting up surveys is closed off - i.e. only the persons ...