InDICEs Bootcamp
Exploring the Future of Cultural Heritage Through Data
to the Bootcamp and get oriented at the Canódrom.
Participant Orientation to the Bootcamp
Platoniq will present a case study on the importance of data narratives.
Hayfaa Chalabi is an illustrator and storyteller who specializes in data visualization. She will present cases and her own experience of creating accessible and imapctful data narratives.
Participants will be introduced to how the platform will support the various flash task forces at the event and how participants can create, collaborate, and develop Hypothesis using Decidim.
Each task force will present their team and a brief introduction about their work in the Bootcamp.
Each task force will be given two hours to develop and post their hypothesis on the platform along with strategising how they will organise their time.
🍱 Provided by Ca La Rosa
Pablo will discuss community governance to tackle misinformation in the case of Wikimedia
Each flash force will move into the second phase of the bootcamp dedicated to data analysis.
Keynote speakers will check in and provide support to flash task forces.
Each flash task force will present their hypothesis and progress.
to the Bootcamp and get oriented at the Canódrom.
Participant Orientation to the Bootcamp Day 2
Ivana Feldfeber, the General Director at the Gender Data Observatory, will give a keynote on tackling gender inequality and data.
Hayfaa will facilitate a workshop to support participants work in cultivating a narrative around their data.
Each task force will be given two hours to develop their narratives and data visualizations.
Keynote speakers will check in and provide support to flash task forces.
🍱 Provided by Ca La Rosa
Flash task forces will be developing how the intend to present and share their progress and work with their flash task force.
Each flash force will present their work and reflections on the bootcamp.