123 Results for the search: ""
Participatory processes 8 results
This Task Force builds further on the outcomes of the original Impact Lite Task Force and aims to de...
Start date
06/04/2022 -
End date
Created at
05/04/2022 -
Meetings 14 results
Participatory process: Impact Lite Training & Community Building Taskforce
Review the materials created
Agree name for the impact knowledge space
Collect feedback on the knowledge space
02 November 2022 · 12:00 - 14:00
Participatory process: Impact Lite Training & Community Building Taskforce
Review materials developed from the last meeting
Mapping core components of Phase three
Reviewing the...
07 September 2022 · 12:00 - 14:00
Participatory process: Impact Lite Training & Community Building Taskforce
In this meeting we will:
Recap on our last meeting and the prioritised components of Phase two lite
24 August 2022 · 12:00 - 14:00
Participatory process: Impact Lite Training & Community Building Taskforce
Phase two starts now!Objectives:
Collect opinions on Phase two - feedback
(what we have) Isolate key components -...
06 July 2022 · 12:00 - 14:00
Proposals 90 results
Participatory process: [inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
Urban gear" typically refers to clothing and fashion items associated with urban or streetwear...
Participatory process: [inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
RIAYATI EMR: Empowering Healthcare Providers with Electronic Medical Records"RIAYATI EMR...
Participatory process: [inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
the English and Italian versions of the site exist, why not Spanish, French and German versions ?...
Participatory process: [inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
I have some family in Germany, and they cannot really understand how to use the platform as it's...
Debates 2 results
Participatory process: Co-creating an Impact Lite Crash Course
What type of materials/content would be necessary to support someone's full development into a facilitator/ trainer? (case studies, tools, datasets). What courses have you taken and been pleasantly...
Open debate
Created at
27/01/2021 -
- 0
Participatory process: Co-creating an Impact Lite Crash Course
As we build through the course its important to keep this question in mind as your ideas and perceptions become more nuanced and attuned to what you think is vital for a good facilitator.What...
27 January 2021 00:0031 March 2021 00:00
Created at
27/01/2021 -
- 3
Posts 9 results
Participatory process: Observatory Online Co-Creation Workshop
The inDICEs project is delighted to announce a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) which aims to s...
Created at
07/12/2022 -
- 29
Participatory process: Observatory Online Co-Creation Workshop
Contributors: Oyidiyda Oji, Rasa Bočytė and Claudia Cacovean
Covid-19 has exposed and ampli...
Created at
07/12/2021 -
- 23
Participatory process: Observatory Online Co-Creation Workshop
Author: Elisa Pellegrini & Contributors: Rasa Bočytė & Maria Tartari
On the 20th of April, inDICEs...
Created at
02/06/2021 -
- 16
Participatory process: Observatory Online Co-Creation Workshop
“The Exhibit of American Negroes”
Some of the most brilliant early examples of what we call today ‘na...
Created at
26/04/2021 -
- 11