Design and Integration
Developing participant experiences
This a place to share (crazy) ideas about the technology that should be developed in InDICEs.
We will use Github to track the accepted developments, check the progress here:
19 proposte
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Il modulo sottostante filtra dinamicamente i risultati della ricerca quando le condizioni di ricerca vengono modificate.
Salta ai risultatiIl modulo sottostante filtra dinamicamente i risultati della ricerca quando le condizioni di ricerca vengono modificate.
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What if I, as a user, could visualise data sets within my proposals and inputs using the...
What if as a participatory platform user I could get an overview of the most prominent topics in...
The webLyzard platform could be integrated while a user is writing a proposal in the InDICEs...
What if as a (role) reseacher I could (action) initiate a collaborative analysis board with...
Similar as this kind of...
Weblyzar data analytic platform and Decidim both have APIs that should be used to...
What if I, as a user, could visualise data sets within my proposals and inputs using the...
Express your proof of concept proposal using the following structure:
What if as a (role)...
Express your proof of concept proposal using the following structure:
What if as a (role)...
Express your proof of concept proposal using the following structure:
What if as a (role)...
We propose to reorganise the platform acoording to thematic areas cornerstone to the inDICEs...
The webLyzard platform could be integrated while a user is writing a proposal in the InDICEs...
What if I as a creative industry stakeholder I could gather information about new business models...
What if I as a researcher could gather statistics, tables, and policy changes on job creation in...
What if as a (role) reseacher I could (action) initiate a collaborative analysis board with...
Because the analytics dashboard and the platform will be two distinct spaces it will be important...
What if I, as a user, could visualise data sets within my proposals and inputs using the...