"Digital transitions in the Cultural Heritage Sector"
Understanding the digital future of Cultural Heritage and Research

Annie has worked in copyright since 2000 and joined the BFI in 2004. Her role focuses on copyright work for archive digitisation programmes; business process and workflows for rights clearances, negotiations and risk assessment. She manages the contract & royalties system for BFI distribution catalogues and has a huge interest in developing and improving rights data. She runs staff training on copyright and is keen to build greater copyright awareness for those working in the sector. She sits on a number of external groups and projects including: LACA, EnDOW and Archives for Education, Film Archives UK

Gerfried Stocker is a media artist and telecommunications engineer. In 1991, he founded x-space, a team formed to carry out interdisciplinary projects, which went on to produce numerous installations and performances featuring elements of interaction, robotics and telecommunications. Since 1995, Gerfried Stocker has been artistic director of Ars Electronica. In 1995-96, he headed the crew of artists and technicians that developed the Ars Electronica Center’s pioneering new exhibition strategies and set up the facility’s in-house R&D department, the Ars Electronica Futurelab. He has been chiefly responsible for conceiving and implementing the series of international exhibitions that Ars Electronica has staged since 2004, and, beginning in 2005, for the planning and thematic repositioning of the new, expanded Ars Electronica Center.
Jerker Rydén is Senior Legal Adviser at the National Library of Sweden. Over the past years Mr. Rydén has been appointed expert by the Swedish Government and participated in the revision of the Swedish Copyright Act as well as other legislation and also negotiated the MoU on Out of Commerce Works. Mr. Rydén is on the Conference of European National Librarians' Working Group on Copyright. Mr. Rydén represented The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations in Licences for Europe WG 3. Prior to joining the National Library in August 2007, Mr. Rydén was Senior Legal Counsel of the National Heritage Board. Prior to that he was Lawyer and member of the Swedish Bar and Member of SwedenBio´s Expert Committee on IP Law. He currently serves on the Board of the Trust for Legal Information, Stockholm University.

At Nationalmuseum, Sweden’s museum of art and design, Karin is responsible for streamlining the internal digitisation processes and for making sure that the digitised collections can be found, accessed, used and re-used by the public. She holds a PhD in history and has initiated the Nationalmusuem’s Public Domain policy and several collaborations with Wikimedia Sweden, which boosted the Nationalmuseum’s digital presence. Since 2019, she leads Nationalmusuem’s part in the collaboration project NEO collections, which aims at finding more user-centric and intuitive ways of making digital collections accessible.

Maarten is an intellectual property lawyer (jurist) and information professional. He is the chair of Open Nederland, an association with over a hundred members that work on promoting open access to information, knowledge and culture. He is the representative of Creative Commons Netherlands where he provides support for everyone who wants to use the CC-licenses. He also runs a one-man consultancy called IP Squared and works as a specialist information management at the North Holland Archives. Previously, Maarten worked at Kennisland, where he was one of the architects of the original Europeana licensing framework that has become rightsstatements.org and developed the public domain determination platform outofcopyright.eu.
Photograph: black and white version of photograph by Sebastiaan ter Burg / CC BY 2.0

Graduated in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, she obtained a Master in Museology, museography and management of cultural heritage. She has been involved in communication in digital contexts for a decade; she was editor of the project “A museum a month”, a collaboration between the magazine “Focus Junior” and MiBACT. She worked as Digital Media Curator and press office for the Diocesan Museum of Milan from 2011 to 2015 and collaborated with the Bagatti Valsecchi house museum. She teaches Multimedia for cultural heritage at the Brera Academy, at the Master in Museology, museography and cultural management and at the School of Specialization in Archeology at the Catholic University of Milan on museology and communication, with a focus on digital. She recently published the volume “Museums and digital culture. Between fiction,practices and testimonies” for Editrice Bibliografica.

He is Professor of Cultural Economics, IULM University Milan; Co-Director of the Computational Human Behavior (CHuB) Lab of Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, and Senior Researcher, metaLAB (at) Harvard. He is the Head of the OECD Venice Office on Culture and Local Development. He works and consults internationally in the fields of innovation, creativity and cultural production, culture-led local development, policy design and evaluation, and is often invited as keynote speaker in major cultural policy conferences worldwide.

I am working at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, as Policy Officer with the Cultural and Creative Industries as part of my portfolio. My educational background spans both engineering and SSH, and my previous work experience is also wide, from R&D in the automotive industry over sales and marketing to general director of a start-up, followed by the last 10 years working on innovation and research in academic settings (the UAB in Barcelona and Linnaeus University in southern Sweden).

Ryan King is the Program Manager for the Smithsonian Open Access initiative. An open source evangelist, he joined the Smithsonian as a graduate of the Corcoran College of Art + Design's Exhibition Design M.A. program with a vision of fusing technology with the built museum environment. He was a Windgate Curatorial Fellow at the Museum of Contemporary Craft in Portland, Oregon, a fellow in the Getty NextGen Leadership Institute, served as social media consultant at the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, and Digital Experience Designer at the Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art before joining the Open Access initiative. In addition to his daily coding and design work, Ryan is Co-Chair of the Smithsonian Pride Alliance (LGBTQ) Employee Group, marketing Co-Chair of the AAM LGBTQ Alliance, a member of the MCN DEAI advisory board, and a member of the GW Corcoran Alumni advisory board. Art, food, thirsty plants, and lingering oxford commas keep him busy.

Since March 2012, Sabine Himmelsbach is the new director of HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel). After studying art history in Munich she worked for galleries in Munich and Vienna from 1993–1996 and later became project manager for exhibitions and conferences for the Steirischer Herbst Festival in Graz, Austria. In 1999 she became exhibition director at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe. From 2005–2011 she was the artistic director of the Edith-Russ-House for Media Art in Oldenburg, Germany. Her exhibition projects include ‘Fast Forward’ (2003); ‘Coolhunters’ (2004); ‘Playback_Simulated Realities’ (2006); ‘Ecomedia: Ecological Strategies in Today’s Art’ (2007); ‘Landscape 2.0’ (2009); ‘MyWar. Participation in an Age of Conflict’ (2010) and ‘Culture(s) of Copy’ (2011). In 2011 she curated ‘gateways. Art and Networked Culture’ for the Kumu Art Museum in Tallinn as part of the European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011 program. Her exhibitions at HeK in Basel include ‘Sensing Place. Mediatising the Urban Landscape’ (2012), ‘Semiconductor: Let There be Light’ (2013), ‘Perspectives on Imaginary Futures’ (2014), ‘Ryoji Ikeda’ and ‘Poetics and Politics of Data’ (2015). As a writer and lecturer she is dedicated to topics related to media art and digital culture.
Saskia Scheltjens is Head of the Research Services Department of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. This department connects people to art and history via information and data about the collection and the organisation, including the Rijksmuseum Research Library, Collection IT, Collection Information & Archive Department, Research Data & Open Data Services. Her team is working on tools and services for researchers on top of extremely hybrid, rich and open data. She is fascinated by the interdisciplinary possibilities of digital research and a strong advocate for FAIR GLAM data and - systems within the digital heritage world.

Serena Tabacchi is an entrepreneur, curator and writer. She worked at TATE Modern and is the co-founder and director of MoCDA, the Museum of Contemporary Digital Art.
She is currently researching how to curate digital art exhibitions online and in IRL (in real life). Serena regularly writes for The Observer and has curated the past editions of CADAF (Contemporary & Digital Art Fair) alongside the Lumen Art Projects. Serena is an ambassador for Diversity and Inclusion at the Blockchain Game Alliance, where she organizes weekly events on Art, Gaming and Blockchain. Serena is currently developing an art and gaming experience in The Sandbox Game and is co-curating a research exhibition project with UCL (University College London) in collaboration with Hobs3D.