Towards Digital Cultural Heritage with a Purpose
inDICEs Policy Recommendations in Consultations
Anchoring CHIs’ public mission into the digital realm
In order for the CHIs to remain faithful to their public mission also in the digital realm additional support and resources need to be secured that will allow them to keep fulfilling their mission. Only with continuous backing CHIs actions can be built on a social impact-based value chain ensuring that they are relevant to societies. Change in CHIs mindset is needed to allow the organisations to respond to the current challenges. There is a growing need for autonomy and sustainability, with new business models in CHIs being in high demand that would allow them to find their way in the contemporary realm. Digital is a transversal theme that is part of all CHI operations and not limited to the external communication, services, activities. New skills and self-positioning, understanding of the tasks and organisation’s mission online are crucial to efficiently build, maintain and develop relations with current and new communities and audiences. CHIs shouldn’t try to “be everything”, they need a clear focus, also to allow them to become a part of innovation processes. They should be able to embrace a tailored digital transformation process based on their core mission and available resources, instead of replicating a generic pattern.
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