Participation Model and Ethics
Developing tools, resources, and guidelines for online communities
Developing tools, resources, and guidelines for online communities
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{"body":{"en":"<p><em>Lets evaluate and measure the Environmental impact of a digital observatory, and how we can decrease this impact</em></p><p><em>A new principle brought during the brainstorming session by Corinne Szteinsznaider (Michael-culture). Needs to be developed</em></p><p>Value : Green deal</p><p><br></p><p>principle statement : </p><p>We commit to protect the environment / Green Deal through optimizing the platform so that the data on it and its functionning doesn't need too much energy. </p><p>Space, processes or future actions that can be conducted : </p><p>The choice of the data center on which it is stocked is crucial, we commit to give an annual report of the environnemental impact of the platform.</p><p>indicators: </p><p> We will had messages ont the platform toward its users to motivated a green behaviour at the same time in the use of the platform as in their general actions.</p>"},"title":{"en":"Green deal. Environmental impact of digitization"}}
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