38297 Results for the search: ""
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Proposal: Show Personal Discussion Topics in User Profiles
This seems interesting, could you elaborate on how different from the current activity section do you envision this feature?
Ie: https://participate.indices-culture.eu/profiles/katinka_boehm/activity
It'd be good to give the possibility to the creator of a proposal to decide which kind of widgets (tag cloud, geo maps, word tree, etc.) could appear on the sidebar of her proposal. The creator...
A change campaign for sustainable servers
https://www.change.org/p/sustainable-servers-by-2024And a white paper speaking about it:...
Development card in Github https://github.com/Platoniq/decidim-indices/projects/1#card-41364478
As for the platform itself, we are currently using AWS in the Ireland region, this page is supposed to give information about that:
The following article on Designing text-based tools for digital deliberation is a good reference to start with a reflection on measuring the influence of certain features on the quality of online...
I will mention @arno_scharl @katinka_boehm in case the want to add some comments/thoughts here.
also by asking for the biggest challenges they have to face in the digital transformation process
Proposal: Cultural Heritage Practitioners
Thanks Marco! We'll keep this in mind for our co-creation workshop activities
Proposal: Cultural Heritage Practitioners
In the "Space for interactions on the platform with others", I'd add something more than just "data collection".
CH professionals need to discuss and share ideas with peers, with their funders...